Membership in Order of the Arrow

Youth members are elected only from Boy Scout troops and Varsity Scout teams. To be eligible for election, a Scout must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America.
  • Hold the First Class rank of the Boy Scouts of America, as a minimum.
  • After registration with a troop or team, have experienced 15 days and nights of Boy Scout camping during the two-year period prior to the election. The 15 days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America (summer camp, Philmont, Northern Tier, Sea Base, etc.). The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps.

Candidates for youth membership shall be elected by other youth members from their troop or team in accordance with policies set forth by the national Order of the Arrow committee.

Adults who had not previously joined the Order as a youth member may become members by being nominated by the unit, district, or council committee, and then approved by the lodge adult selection committee. Adults must meet the same criteria as youth, with the exception of the rank requirement.

Unit Elections

Mowogo Lodge now receives unit election requests and results through the OA Lodgemaster system.
Links to access the election forms are automatically forwarded to all NEGA Unit Leaders.

If you have not received a link to the election form or have additional questions, please contact

Adult Nominations

Mowogo Lodge now receives adult nominations through the OA Lodgemaster system.
Links to access the nomination forms are automatically forwarded to all NEGA Unit Leaders when they submit a unit election form.

If you have not received a link to the nomination form or have additional questions, please contact