Conclave - Thank you Drivers!

Hello Everyone!

Conclave was an amazing event! I got to see several friends smiling and making memories all while having fun.

For everyone who was a driver, I thank you so much for your incredible service to the Lodge. Your willingness to help others and add additional time to your trip paid off as so many of our Arrowmen not only had tons of fun but also learned many new valuable skills and might even be inspired to do further great things with the Order of the Arrow in the future.

Our Lodge took a different approach than usual to coordinate rides with the implementation of Google Forms to submit the need for a ride and who would be able to provide a ride. In the future, we hope to continue to tailor this new approach so that the system will be even smoother for future events.

For the drivers who filled out the Google form, thank you again for your great service. For everyone who filled out the Google form, thank you for letting us know of your need and we encourage you to fill out future ride forms in the future if a ride is needed.

I hope to see you all soon!

Yours in Enthusiasm,

Tamas L. Phillips | Vice Chief of Communications
Order of the Arrow, Mowogo Lodge
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