Duties of the Chapter Officers
Chapter Chief
- Relay information from the Executive Committee to the members of the chapter.
- Develop programs at chapter meetings, recruit Elangomats, plan chapter work projects, and promote camping and the OA at district events.
- Ensure that unit elections and camping promotion are completed in every unit that desires them.
- Encourage members to attain Brotherhood.
- Promote Conclave.
- Work with other chapters to promote and improve Chapter Brotherhood Weekends.
Chapter Vice Chief of Membership
- Recruit and train unit election teams.
- Mail an information letter to all Scoutmasters in the chapter explaining election requirements and procedures.
- Visit every troop in the chapter for elections and camping promotion.
- Visit every unit in the chapter for promotion of community service.
- Turn election forms in by the ECM deadlines, neatly filled out and complete.
- Coordinate and promote the Unit Representative program in all troops.
Chapter Vice Chief of Indian Affairs
- Develop and perform a call-out ceremony for Ordeal candidates at district events.
- Support the lodge ceremony and dance teams.
- Promote a chapter ceremony or dance team.
- Conduct programs at chapter meetings about Native American culture.
Chapter Vice Chief of Communication
- Develop newsletters, mailings, meeting reminders, calendars, etc. for chapter functions.
- Submit articles about chapter functions to the lodge secretary for publication in the lodge newsletter.