Section SR-9 Elections

Greetings, fellow wearers of the Arrow!

As we approach the time for our Conclave, there are several things that help to keep us aware of some of the more important parts of the Order of the Arrow and our traditions. These include ceremony team evaluations, celebrations of native American culture including various dance exhibitions, training of various kinds including Chapter operations, communication techniques, and participating in another level of youth leadership in action and for the coming year. For our newest members, Conclave is a time for gathering with other Scouts and Scouters that have been chosen by others to serve and lead in their units, districts, council, and our section (SR-9) that covers most of Georgia and Alabama.

Mowogo Lodge is one of the largest particpating lodges to Conclaves in our section. We have enjoyed having many ceremony teams, dancers, and youth that have taken on section leadership roles. Two of our own currently serve as committee chairs for the Council of Chiefs for our section. The Council of Chiefs is comprised of elected youth leaders that include each Lodge Chief for each member lodge and three elected positions including the Section Chief, the Section Vice Chief, and the Section Secretary. Any youth arrowman can run for these section-level offices and compete with youth leaders in the Order of the Arrow from around Georgia and Alabama. However, there is a process to qualify for running for a section office.

Attached is the "2021-2022 Declaration of Intent to Run For Section Office." If you are interested in running for and serving as a Section Officer, you must complete this letter and make arrangements to meet with the appropriate individuals to discuss your intent and obtain their signature on this document. This process is critical. If you want to run for a Section Office, you will be representing Mowogo Lodge in the Section and that is something that we all take some pride in. This Letter of Intent must be completed and turned in during the Section Candidates meeting on the Saturday, April 17, at the Conclave.

There are several other opportunities to compete and get involved in at Conclave. If you want to know more, please reach out to your Chapter Chief and any of our Lodge Officers. For our newest members, please consider joining us at this year's Conclave at the South Georgia Council's Camp Patten near Lakeland, Georgia the weekend of April 16-18. Today is the last day to register without a late penalty ($42). After today registration will be $60. You can follow this link: Conclave | Section SR-9 (

Yours in Cheerfulness,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA