2023 for Mowogo Lodge Begins! Spring Fellowship, Here We Come!
Greetings, Fellow Wearers of the Arrow!
We hope this finds you well and getting excited about Spring Fellowship! This coming weekend we will once again perform the most important task we as an Order of the Arrow Lodge has: conduct the most meaningful Ordeal experience possible for Ordeal Candidates sent to us from around the Northeast Georgia Council. Traditionally, Spring Fellowship signifies a new year for Mowogo Lodge. This will be the first event conducted by our 2023 Lodge Leadership and they have all worked very hard to make this event something great for you and for you to be very proud of!
The Ordeal is the most important task we have. It is the Ordeal experience that communicates several things we need to remember and reflect on. It is the Ordeal experience that communicates our shared values of self-sacrifice, self-reliance, self-reflection, and unselfish service to others. It is the Ordeal experience that reminds of why we share these values. It is the experience that will determine the future of Mowogo Lodge as well as, and perhaps more importantly, how much the Order of the Arrow can be an integral part of the Scouting program for all Scouts and Scouters in the Northeast Georgia Council. Putting on the best Ordeal experience will serve to create purpose and meaning in our newest members that will in turn return to their units and, if we have our job correctly, understand the deeper meaning of helping others along their Scouting trail and journey. I know working through the Ordeal program, I am reminded of and reflect upon not just my time in the Order of the Arrow but also as Scout and Scouter. I highly recommend getting acquainted with the Ordeal if it has been a while for you.
The Ordeal experience is one to be respected and supported. It is easy to get busy working service projects. It is to get focused on ensuring that each part of the program for the weekend goes off well. It is easy and enjoyable to share fellowship with each other as we gather once again. But please understand that your every action and behavior set an example for our Ordeal Candidates. Words are important, but actions speak so much louder. If we behave in a way that doesn’t respect the experience of each Ordeal Candidate, it is difficult for them to respect the experience. If we share our respect for the Ordeal experience, the experience each of us had as an Ordeal Candidate, then we will be more likely to accomplish our goal of creating deeper meaning in the experience that can be carried to all of our units and districts in our council.
Our Lodge Executive Committee has worked very hard to prepare for Spring Fellowship and I have seen their dedication to create this one time only Ordeal experience for our candidates. They have also worked very hard to prepare for you to come and share fellowship in service. They understand and respect the traditions and meaning of Mowogo Lodge and the Order of the Arrow. They know the impact you and they can have on all of us that will gather and serve this weekend. It is an honor to serve with them, and with all of you.
As always, please bring with you your BSA Medical form with parts A & B completed to submit when you register and check in. If you are required to have Youth Protection Training, please make sure that you complete this prior to coming to the event! Those that have their YPT expiring prior to this weekend have been notified to make sure this is completed. And be ready to carry on the tradition of service, fellowship, and respect for the honor of the Ordeal and all of our Ordeal candidates that come to us from many other Scouts and Scouters we have and may never meet. It is time for you to shine yet again as the Honor Society of the Northeast Georgia Council. Let’s set an example that we and our council can be proud of. And lets recognize all of our Ordeal Candidates for the experience we believe can have a profound impact for years to come.
Thank you for all you do to bring Scouting to life and for making the Order of the Arrow even better!
We look forward to seeing all of you this weekend!
Yours in Brotherhood, Cheerfulness, and Service,
Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA