August Celebrations & Events!

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters of Mowogo Lodge!

We hope this finds you well and staying safe in the summer heat.

We wanted to let you know of some upcoming events in August for your consideration.

First, on Saturday, August 12th, the Northeast Georgia Council will hold its annual District Committee Training. We have been asked to facilitate a presentation on “Scouting & The Order of the Arrow.” This is an adult training event. We would like to ask all advisers who are able and willing to attend to join us and help strengthen the connection between our District leadership and both Chapter and Lodge leadership. OA sash would be appropriate with complete uniform.

Relationships are the cornerstone of any success and this opportunity is important for a couple of key reasons: first, our membership and new Ordeal members come to us from eligible units around the council and from each district. There are some units, to no fault of anyone, that may have little to no understanding of the Order and the opportunities for growth and development our program can provide. Second, as the honor society for the Northeast Georgia Council, we set the example for others to see and aspire to be like. Being around all of our District leadership can help to communicate these and help our lodge grow…and in return we can help all of units grow and share the flame of Scouting!

If you are able to attend, please join us at the First Baptist Church in Gainesville on Saturday, August 12th! Below is a link to register for the event:

Following the District Committee training in the morning, there will be a Council Recognition reception in the afternoon in the same place. Those being recognized for dedicated service and leadership for 2023 will include some of our members:

Brother Jason Stribling will be recognized for being a 2023 Silver Antelope recipient. This award is for service above and beyond at the National Service Territory level!

The following brothers will be recognized for being 2023 Silver Beaver recipients. This is the highest recognition for service and leadership above and beyond at the Council level.

Shane Adams
Matt Bowman
Ken Cappon
Craig Knowlton
Chris Payne
Jon Willette

Other youth and volunteers will also be recognized as well. Please join us in recognizing all of our volunteers for their service and leadership in Scouting. OA sash would be appropriate with complete uniform. You can register at the link below:

On the following Saturday, August 19th, Ani-Gatogewi Chapter will be holding their annual Indian Summer gathering at Camp Rotary in Hartwell, Georgia. This has always been a great event that offers service to an important council property as well as fellowship! Please consider joining them and enjoying a great camp! You can register at the link below:

Thank you for all you do! Stay safe and we hope to see you at these important events!

Yours in Cheerfulness,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA