Register for Fall Fellowship today!

Good Afternoon Arrowmen!

I hope you all are having an amazing autumn season!

In three weeks from now, registration for our Mowogo Fall Fellowship will close. Register now here or at and avoid the late fee in early November!

Fall Fellowship is our final ordeal of the year and it shakes things up by being held at Scoutland under the beautiful fall colors! At fall fellowship, get ready to spend a weekend with friends, games, and brotherhood, and have some amazing Mowogo food. There will also be a chance for all brothers to get their Brotherhood at this event. You will be eligible if you did your ordeal in May!

It is also Troop election season! Encourage your troop to begin contacting your Chapter and getting in touch to schedule an election. If you have any scout in your unit that is eligible, I highly encourage you to invite them and go through their Ordeal! Not only is that another friend you will have this weekend but this could also develop them further down the line as a leader.

Please reach out if you have any questions or need help. I will always be here!

I look forward to seeing you there!

Yours in Enthusiasm,

Tamas L. Phillips | Vice Chief of Communications
Order of the Arrow, Mowogo Lodge
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